Data scientist and programmer working with R and Python. Geography PhD student at McGill University, Montreal.
Former Fulbright scholar and graduate from the Columbia University Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences (QMSS) program, focusing on data science. Previously investigating land and housing rights movements as a research assistant at the University of Helsinki.
Occasional journalist with the investigative collective Kaivuri and contributor for the Finnish papers Taloussanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet & Nytid. Articles published by EUObserver, Iltasanomat, Suomen Kuvalehti, Brand, Mask Magazine, Voima and Basso, among others.
Author of Muutaman töhryn tähden (2011), Äärioikeisto Suomessa (2012), editor of Verkko suljettu (2014) and translator of Det postdigitala manifestet (2009).
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